Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can you hear me?

Ok, so normally this does not bother me, but this morning its REALLY bothering me. The spelling of my name.

I went to get a coffee this morning, i ordered my flat white, and when the barista asked for my name i spelt it out for her - "M-I-L-E-N-A", what did she write down - MELANA.... Now, i like to pride myself with speaking articulately, I wasn’t hung over so I didn’t slur my words, I got a gold star while learning the alphabet in school.. so it could only be that the barista did not care.

I’m not sure how everyone else feels about coffee, but to me, a coffee first thing in the morning, the smell of the coffee beans, the taste of the creamy milk – it’s my little bit of morning heaven. So when I have to look down at my coffee cup and read the lazy baristas misspelling of my name, it ruins that.

I know that my name is not the most common name, in fact I think I have only ever met one other person with my name, but when I spell it for you, please make sure you listen to your customer and make them feel like you actually care. It’s what keeps a customer coming back – good customer service.

So tell me, am I the only loon who gets fussed over the spelling of their name?

Much love,

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