Thursday, December 16, 2010

Project - Home

My Hubby and I have only been living in our house for 2 months, but i am really inspired to re decorate our home. The furniture that we have at the moment is all brand new. It is modern/contemporary and its all black and white. I will take some photos tonight and post them tomorrow to show you what our apartment looks like at the moment.

When we first moved in, we had alot of things already bought for us from our parents and friends, so there was no need for us to go out and and purchase anything. After being enormously inspired blogs such as Made by Girl  and Tied with a Bouw, i have decided that my home needs a more personal touch.

Dont get me wrong, i love our home, the things we currently have are fantastic, but i think it can be better.

The problem that i have is this - Most of the blogs that i have come across are about decorating really large spaces and houses. The ladies (and their partners) who are decorating, seem to have the time and finances to dedicate so much into their homes. I, on the other hand, have limited finances, and my home is not that large.

I am going to try to be really creative with my choices of decorating. I will make sure to keep you posted with what i choose....

Here are some images of what i am loving at the moment:

1. Hubby & I want a baby, so this wall print for a nursery would be perfect

2. The print on this bag is beautiful! I love all things floral, and this is just the kind of design i would love around my home

3. This AMAZING sofa, i dont think i need to explain this 

4.  I think this room is beautiful. The use of colour here is genius!

Much love,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Just received a professional pic from the photographer from Sundays photoshoot. The photographer is - . What do you think of my makeup look on the model?

(click on the image to see a larger version)

Much love,


I received my business cards this morning from!!! YAY!

It is a great website. There are a whole lot of designs to choose from, all  you need to do is put in your details and order them! I ordered 100 business cards, standard size, on white board. They turned out fantastic, and with the express shipping being 50% off, i received them in 2 business days. Im super excited to have them, and im so motivated to continue networking and advertising to market my makeup business. See some pics below:

1. This is the box it was delivered in

2. This is what the business cards were packaged in

3. This is the front design of my business cards

4. This is the back design of my card

Let me know what you think?

Much love,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Im digging this Versace dinnerware.. Makes me want to throw lavish dinner parties..

All things fatherly..

Happy Birthday Dad!

We love you loads and loads... We appreciate your love, and the fact that you are the only man in a female dominated family (sorry about that!).

My dad is amazing. He is the ultimate image of a super tough dad who looks after his girls. So therefore he rocks! Anywho, im off to eat some yummy cake to celebrate..

P.S. a shout out to my amazing sis.. love u too.

Much love,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hello Monday, can I have this please?

In true Monday fashion, i am not doing alot of work, instead im fantasizing that its still sunday and i have 1 more day till the office..

I am lusting over home designs, and wanting my living room to look like this.

<Sigh> one day i will paint my walls green...

Oh, also, i was asked to complete a makeup look on the weekend for a photoshoot. The pic on the left is the look that i was asked to achieve, the pic on the right is my work =) What do u think? Did i get it? I really think im progressing well with my makeup career. Ill post more pics of my work soon.

Much love,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ordinary Fridays..

When i was discussing starting a blog with my sister, she told me i have to blog every day (more for her entertainment than for any other reason). I missed out yesterday.. oops! sorry sis!

I always assumed that if i started my blog i would always have something to write about... well.... im thinking... i know there is something i should be writing about... hmmm... im trying... im thinking.. ok! got it:

Positive. This is an important word to me. When facing my own problems, when listening to other friends, i always make sure to tell them something positive. Yesterday i had a good friend of mine tell me that for the first 8 years of our friendship she used to judge me because of what i wore, and therefore she never considered me a good friend. Only after helping her through a tough time, did she realise her mistake. This hurt, im not going to lie, i was upset.. really upset. I thought of all the negative things, i thought about what i should do.. I then remembered the positive things in life.. It is rare that a true friend would tell you something like that, it is a true friend who can talk about such deep feelings and thoughts, so i called her and told her not to worry about it, its in the past, it shouldnt change our future...

So my happy little bloggers.. I leave you with this thought for your Ordinary Friday.. Think positive, act positive, speak positive... for it may save you a true friendship.

Much love,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hello?!... Is this thing on??...
<clearing of throat>

So i have forever considered the world of blogs for the more passionately creative people of this world.. The people who have this natural ability to look at something and think "yes! this is fantastic, it will inspire, i am blogging this at once!".. Then i realised, i am also passionately creative, i also have access to the Internet, i must share my thoughts with the people who are just waiting for me... Wait no longer, i have arrived!

I have sat and pondered the layout of my template and colour scheme for far longer than it is taking me to write this. Choosing colours and a title is much harder than it seems. For if i didn't have the right colours, how could i inspire? How could i stir feelings of beauty?

I will keep it short, this is already longer than i intended... My name is Milena.
I am twenty four..
I am married..
A makeup artist..
An amateur photographer..
A Personal Assistant..
A lover of fashion and beauty..
A creative soul forever seeking...

Much love,