Thursday, December 16, 2010

Project - Home

My Hubby and I have only been living in our house for 2 months, but i am really inspired to re decorate our home. The furniture that we have at the moment is all brand new. It is modern/contemporary and its all black and white. I will take some photos tonight and post them tomorrow to show you what our apartment looks like at the moment.

When we first moved in, we had alot of things already bought for us from our parents and friends, so there was no need for us to go out and and purchase anything. After being enormously inspired blogs such as Made by Girl  and Tied with a Bouw, i have decided that my home needs a more personal touch.

Dont get me wrong, i love our home, the things we currently have are fantastic, but i think it can be better.

The problem that i have is this - Most of the blogs that i have come across are about decorating really large spaces and houses. The ladies (and their partners) who are decorating, seem to have the time and finances to dedicate so much into their homes. I, on the other hand, have limited finances, and my home is not that large.

I am going to try to be really creative with my choices of decorating. I will make sure to keep you posted with what i choose....

Here are some images of what i am loving at the moment:

1. Hubby & I want a baby, so this wall print for a nursery would be perfect

2. The print on this bag is beautiful! I love all things floral, and this is just the kind of design i would love around my home

3. This AMAZING sofa, i dont think i need to explain this 

4.  I think this room is beautiful. The use of colour here is genius!

Much love,

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